The Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka is an autonomous economic research organization, established by an Act of Parliament, in Colombo. Its mission is to conduct high-quality, independent, policy-relevant research to provide robust evidence for policymaking and improve the lives of all Sri Lankans.


Targeted, strategic, and innovative measures are needed to ensure edtech effectively promotes inclusiveness for marginalized and vulnerable children.


Future-proof workers against the impact of future pandemics by strengthening community- and evidence-based initiatives.


Adjust the tax rate in response to inflation and income growth to sustain its potency in discouraging sugar-sweetened beverages consumption.


Proper monitoring and regulation of traditional medicine and its integration with western medicine can enhance the quality of health care response.

Policy Brief

Explore equity, quasi-equity, and other non-debt assistance and structural reforms to protect small businesses from COVID-19 and other shocks.


Nutrition-specific interventions should target the first 1,000 days, promote behavioral change, and focus on the most vulnerable.


Proactive government policies and strong institutions help reduce the human and economic costs of COVID-19.